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our English-language pre-school

in Klagenfurt, we would like to explore new paths. Our principles are not just empty phrases but guide us in our work on a daily basis. 

We want to help our Dragonfly kids develop their talents and skills through play. Thanks to our warm, tolerant, and respectful interaction with one another, our kids pick up right from the start that learning is fun and that good manners are an important basis for life.

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Focus on

As educators,

we see the children placed in our care as the focal point of our work. We consider them unique, with different needs and requirements. 

What they all have in common is the urge to discover the world with a natural curiosity for what it has to offer. 

Our goal is to meet each child at their stage of development, providing individual guidance based on appreciation and respect.

We foster

our children individually,

using different approaches. A bilingual education in English and German is our main priority . We also implement a range of learning ideas and measures in areas such as maths, IT, science, and technology, which is why we are always looking for possibilities and are also planning to receive the MINT Seal of Quality certification. 

This pre-school has a huge range of activities incorporating music, experimenting and exploring, learning about different careers, and enjoying a range of exercise and sports programmes. We set our goal on awakening children’s natural curiosity through different projects.

Our garden doesn't just come

with outdoor play equipment, but also raised garden beds that the children plant and look after. This is an important lesson in sustainability. As far as food is concerned, our pre-school aims at introducing children to a variety of flavours. 

Where Dragonfly kids learn that healthy food can taste great!

The Dragonfly

English Kindergarten

is based on Christian values. We celebrate St. Nicholas Day, Christmas, Easter, birthdays, and also organise a summer fair play staged by the children. 

Parents are invited to join us for our Christmas party and summer fair. Due to the international set up of our pre-school, we also look at Christmas from the perspective of different countries and cultures.