Mirjam Orasch, a mother of four, set herself the goal of opening an extraordinary pre-school where the development of each child is encouraged with diffrent approach. The pre-school has extensive offer incorporating music, experimenting and exploring, learning about different careers, and a range of exercise and sports programmes. We foster the talents of our Dragonfly children and encourage them to develop their full potential, stimulating their natural curiosity in many different subjects through targeted projects.
Mirjam Orasch also wants to help working parents by offering extended opening hours in a warm and welcoming childcare environment. Even if things take a little longer than expected. Dragonfly ist here to help.
of childcare packages
In our Dragonfly English Kindergarten there are 3 groups consisting of max. 25 children, each are looked after by a professional team of native speakers and English-speaking staff.
Depending on the chosen package, the children receive a healthy snack up to three times a day as well as a freshly prepared lunch with less meat and using regional organic produce. Meals are lovingly prepared from scratch on a daily basis, eliminating the need for parents to pack a snack.

Includes healthy morning snack and lunch
(organic, regional and low-meat)
The food is cooked specially for the Kindergarten. The children are
offered still water and unsweetened tea to drink.

Includes healthy morning snack, one afternoon snack and lunch
(organic, regional and low-meat)
The food is cooked specially for the Kindergarten. The children are
offered still water and unsweetened tea to drink.

Includes healthy morning snack, two afternoon snacks and lunch
(organic, regional and low-meat)
The food is cooked specially for the Kindergarten. The children are
offered still water and unsweetened tea to drink.
*“Kärntner Kinderstipendium“ could be requested by the parents. Please ask the kindergarten principal for further information.
are playing together in the morning group, before being taken to their individal day-care groups. The monthly kindergarten fee includes meals and snacks. The “Kärntner Kinderstipendium” will be subtracted from the total.

care as needed
Sometimes parents need additional hours of childcare on top of their package.
We have a solution! Our English-speaking pre-school offers the option of booking individual hours subject to prior arrangement.

care as needed
If you find yourself in a situation where you require childcare until 8pm, our pre-school will be able to help.
You are welcome to book our evening childcare and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your child is spending time in a familiar environment, with a pre-school teacher they already know and trust.

registration fee
Our English-language pre-school charges a one-off registration fee.
Your child is only guaranteed a place once this fee has been paid and we have confirmed their place in writing.
my registration valid?
Fill out our registration form and sign our house rules.
Send us your documents. Please use our contact form.
Pay the registration fee after our written confirmation.

"Dragonfly" English
Kindergarten GmbH
Villacher Straße 93
9020 Klagenfurt
+43 664 62 188 98
Contact us now.